What we do
We are the local chapter of a worldwide nonprofit organization made up of religious and lay people who volunteer their time and talent to work with the poor and underprivileged on a local level. Through the St. Jerome Vincentian Center, we distribute food and clothing to the poor in our zip codes, supported by private donations and parish contributions.
How often we meet
Chapter meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday each month, from September through May.
Time commitment other than meetings
The Center operates Tuesdays & Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: food deliveries and clothing donations are accepted.
SVDP Office Number:
SVDP Officers:
Jack Fisher- President
Richard Hoffman 1st Vice President
Fred Herveat- 2nd Vice President
Claire Burum- Financial Advisor
Kathy Ehlinger- Treasurer
Dora Freeman- Secretary/Spiritual Advisor