Grand Knight Keith LeBrie Deputy Grand Knight Philip Campa - Business Meeting for Knights of Columbus Council 4550 starts at 7:00 pm with social / dinner and business meeting starts at 7:30 pm.
Are you aware that St Jerome has an active group for seniors that meets twice a month? We have potluck lunches, bus trips, outside speakers, and various seasonal celebrations. Come join the fun, friendships and personal growth.
Come out and enjoy great fried or baked catfish with all the trimmings. The meal is cooked and served by the Knights of Columbus Council #4550 and desserts are provided by the Catholic Daughters. This is for Dine-in service only.
Are you aware that St Jerome has an active group for seniors that meets twice a month? We have potluck lunches, bus trips, outside speakers, and various seasonal celebrations. Come join the fun, friendships, and personal growth.
¡Tenemos un nuevo ministerio aquí en St. Jerome! Orando con María es un ministerio que se reunirá el último sábado del mes de 6 a 9 p.m., para orar, rezar el rosario e iniciar el compañerismo.
Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a la oración.